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Trademark & IPR

Secure Your Business’s Future with Our Expert Trademark and IPR Solutions. Contact Us Today to Ensure Your Legal Protection and Peace of Mind.

A Trademark can be defined as the unique identity that makes your brand stand out from the rest...
Once a Trademark application is filed, then it goes through multiple checks, first it is sent to Vienna codification to check.
Copyright is a privilege given by the law to the creator of artistic works. Copyrights are protected by “The Copyright Act, 1957”...
To sell a Trademark, an assignment of trademarks is required to make the sale legal...
Trademarks Expedition process or Fast Track approval of Trademark means that th...
As per section 25 of Trademarks Act, 1999 read with rules 57 of Trademarks Rules, 2017, trademark registration is...
A general view on what is meant by the term design? A plan that is driven for construction of an objects...
The term "Patent" denotes one of the important pillars of Intellectual Property Right (IPR) & it is an exclusive right...